Thursday 29 April 2010


'Those who can, do.
'Those who can't, bully.'

I have experienced bullying from different perspectives, firstly as a member of staff dealing with it, secondly as a parent when my son was bullied in primary school.

Okay folks I know I have mentioned it before (I used to work in a school) Lol.
Even though the school had a low tolerence of bullying, it still carried on. It was'nt just amongst pupils, hypocritically it was present amongst staff also.

In relation to the pupils I had to develop a non judgemental attitude when dealing with complaints about bullying. In most cases the child actually doing the bullying usually had a number of issues that were related to problems at home,feelings of inadequacy and many other reasons that contributed.

As a parent when my son was bullied, I was not so understanding purely for the fact that some little darling was making my sons life a complete misery, after all school should be the happiest times of a childs life. My son was not scared of the bully the reason behind his misery was he did not want to get into trouble for sorting the bully out.I have always raised my children with the attitude of turning the other cheek.This did not help my son, and although the school were involved the bullying persisted for most of his year 4. Until one day the jibes were really bad he actually turned on the bully, and after that it stopped. I did't agree with his methods but felt some relief that it came to an end.

What Im trying to say is that bullying is an unpleasant occurance that can have devestating effects and impacts on a persons life if not dealt with. If my son had not hit the lad and it had continued where would it have led on to.

From the view of the bully, in the incidents at my workplace amongst pupils and staff, the bullying was going on as a way of hiding feelings of inadequacy to make themselves feel better. However why they had to make another persons life a misery to do this is beyond me.

Here is a website that offers information about bullying in schools and the workplace, and how to tackle it.


  1. i agree with sarah. as a child i was bullied excessivly, but when i realised that being punched didnt hurt so much i actually turned into a bit of a high school bully myself. looking back there are things i wish i didnt do but my point is there is a thin line between being bullied and bullying.

  2. i hear you, bullying is such a nasty issue, and it says a lot about the bully they obviously lack many things one of which being self esteem and they tend to be insecure people who want people to feel as low as them, its sad really ive experienced bullying first hand also and its so horrible when your in that suituation and it did affect my self esteem for a while but as i grew up and learned to love who i was it made me pitty these bullys as they did not love themselves and they helped me to discover what they were lacking self love.

  3. I hate people who think they can treat others any how and get away with it. hope the law will change on this.
